Human Papillomavirus Infection in Penile Pathologies (Systematic Literature Review)
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penile cancer
high carcinogenic risk HPV
HPV vaccination

How to Cite

Gaptulbarova, K. A., Ибрагимова , М. К., & Litviakov, N. . V. (2023). Human Papillomavirus Infection in Penile Pathologies (Systematic Literature Review). Voprosy Onkologii, 69(5), 815–823.


Introducion. The etiology of penile cancer (PC) is multifactorial, and one particularly intriguing question is the association between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the risk of PC development. The existing literature results regarding the detection of HPV in penile neoplasms exhibit significant contradictions when compared to similar findings in other HPV-associated oncopathologies.

Aim. To systematize existing global literature data regarding the connection between HPV infection and the risk of PC development.

Materials and methods. We conducted a search using the Pubmed, NCBI databases, and the Google Scholar search service. The literature search yielded 205 articles on the studied topic, published from 1991 to 2020. The final analysis included 9 studies that met all specified criteria.

Results. The findings demonstrate that HPV is detected almost equally in both benign lesions and precancerous lesions of the penis, as well as in samples of normal penile tissue (control groups). However, there is a significant difference in the number of HPV-positive patients between those diagnosed with PC and the control group, OR = 142.6. It was also determined that the most common genotypes of high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) were 16 and 18.

Conclusion. The results of this systematic review affirm a heightened risk of PC development in the presence of HPV infection, along with a notable prevalence of HPV infection in PC cases (62.0 %).
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