Connection of intracellular protein YB-1 localization in cell cultures of human tumors with multidrug resistance
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YB- 1

How to Cite

, , , & . (2013). Connection of intracellular protein YB-1 localization in cell cultures of human tumors with multidrug resistance. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(3), 623–628.


In this study, we investigated how the protein YB-1 influenced on the expression of genes coding ABC transporters and on drug resistance in several cell lines, in which originally gene MDR1, coding P-glycoprotein, was not expressed. These populations were significantly different in the presence of mRNA YB-1 and the nature of the intracellular localization of the protein YB-1. However incubation of cells in all studied populations in the culture medium with serum after starvation led to translocation of YB-1 in the cell nucleus. The increase of the number of cells with nuclear localization of YB-1 correlated with increased amount of mRNA YB-1. Processing of cells with drug LY-294,002 by PI3K/Akt inhibitor prevented the translocation of the protein YB-1 into the nuclei of cells, and the cells became more sensitive to the toxic action. Thus, we observed that the signaling pathways involved in control of cell proliferation, in particular a signaling cascade PI3K/Akt were involved in the control of the intracellular localization of YB-1 in cell populations of ovarian cancer, melanoma and human prostate cancer. In these cells the nuclear localization of YB-1 correlated with an expression of MDR and MRP1 DCRP genes and with a sensitivity of cells to a number of drugs.
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