Clinical and economic analysis of the feasibility of using Dicarbamine® for the prevention of toxic effects of chemotherapy
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, & . (2013). Clinical and economic analysis of the feasibility of using Dicarbamine® for the prevention of toxic effects of chemotherapy. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(3), 637–641.


The aim of the study was to conduct clinical and economic analysis of the feasibility of using Dicarbamine® for the prevention of toxic effects of chemotherapy. There were compared the direct medical costs on prevention and treatment of febrile neutropenia in 2 groups of breast cancer patients: chemotherapy alone in TAC mode or chemotherapy in the same way against oral Dicarbamine ®. Total costs due to hematologic toxicity were 1003945 rubles in the control group (22817 rubles on average by 1 patient) and 658980 rubles in the group treated with Dicarbamine ® (14 644 rubles on average by 1 patient). Also, the study found that in the group treated by Dicarbamine there were lower rates of dose reduction and delay of the next course of chemotherapy, which might have an impact on other costs arising from cancer. The results of this study demonstrate the clinical and economic feasibility of using Dicarbamine ® for the prevention of hematotoxic complications of chemotherapy.
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