Introduction. Among the malignant neoplasms (MN) detected during pregnancy, tumors of the reproductive system are the most common.
Aim. This work is to evaluate the perinatal outcomes of children in patients with malignant neoplasms of the reproductive organs detected during pregnancy.
Materials and methods. The data of 34 patients with malignant tumors of the reproductive organs first diagnosed during pregnancy, observed and delivered at the V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center, as well as the data of children born to these patients were analyzed from 2015 to 2023.
Results. Among all malignancies of the reproductive organs associated with pregnancy, breast cancer (BC) accounted for 52.9 % (n = 18), cervical cancer (CC) — 23.5 % (n = 8) and ovarian cancer (OC) — 23.5 % (n = 8). The mean age of the women was 35 ± 3.6 years, ranging from 26 to 45 years. These pregnancies resulted in the birth of 34 newborns. Of these, 12 children (35.3 %) were born prematurely (in one case a dichorionic diamniotic twin). In one case, the pregnancy was terminated because of multiple fetal anomalies. Most of the complications observed in the newborns were related to prematurity: neonatal jaundice (23.5 %), retinopathy of prematurity (8.8 %), infections specific to the neonatal period (20.6 %), gastrointestinal lesions in the form of necrotizing enterocolitis (8.8 %), anemia of prematurity (8.8 %). Respiratory disorders were detected in 23.5 % of patients and required respiratory support. Three out of four extremely premature infants were in the cervical cancer group. Of the 34 patients, 20 received chemotherapy during pregnancy, resulting in 21 children (one dichorionic diamniotic twin). Of these, 15 women delivered at term (n = 15) and the remaining six patients (30 %) delivered preterm. Of the 14 patients who did not receive chemotherapy, six (42.9 %) delivered prematurely.
Conclusion. The timely initiation of specialized treatment of malignant tumors detected during pregnancy makes it possible to control the disease and makes it possible to prolong pregnancy, since prematurity is a factor that negatively affects perinatal outcomes. Specialized care for pregnant women with oncological diseases should be provided in centers that have experience in treating such patients and are able to provide timely neonatal care.
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