Experience of performing radical trachelectomy with uterine transposition in organ-preserving treatment of stage IB-II invasive cervical cancer
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cervical cancer
sentinel lymph nodes
intraoperative radiation therapy
reproductive function

How to Cite

Chernyshova, A., Аntipov V., Коlomiets L., Chernov, V., Gyunter, V., Маrchenko E., & Chekalkin, T. (2022). Experience of performing radical trachelectomy with uterine transposition in organ-preserving treatment of stage IB-II invasive cervical cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 67(1), 85–90. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2021-67-1-85-90


The development and implementation of organ-preserving treatment modalities is the priority trend in the current cancer treatment of patients of the reproductive age. Methods of expanding indications for organ-preserving treatment in cancer patients are becoming relevant. We present our experience in performing radical trachelectomy with uterine transposition in patients with stage IB-II cervical cancer. Our surgical technique allows the preservation of the uterus and adnexa in patients with invasive cervical cancer, who need to receive combined modality treatment including extended surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy to the pelvis. Transposition of the uterus and adnexa after radical abdominal or laparoscopic trachelectomy allows the movement of the uterus and ovaries out of the radiation field. After completion of radiation therapy, the uterus with adnexa is repositioned into the pelvis and uterine-vaginal anastomosis is formed using an implant made of titanium nickelide. Independent pregnancy and the use of assisted reproductive technologies are permitted after passing the time when distant metastases are most likely to develop.  

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