The use of biochips for immunomorphological diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia


Immunological biochips (immunobiochips) based on antibodies — test-systems, allowing simultaneously to determine an existence of different antigens in the material. Biochip of this class is usually a plate (substrate), on which antibody molecules with known specificity are immobilized within well-defined areas. The advantage of the use of biochips is the ability to define a large number of antigens at very low flow rates of antibodies. Biochips can be used for many tasks, including immunophenotyping for tumor cells. There are presented the results of testing of biochips made in laboratory conditions to determine surface antigens of cells in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It is showed a good agreement between the results of immunophenotyping of cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with the use of biochips with data of flow cytometry.
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