Role of transthoracic biopsy in the modern diagnosis of tumors of the chest cavity’s organs
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molecular diagnostics

How to Cite

, , , , , , , , & . (2014). Role of transthoracic biopsy in the modern diagnosis of tumors of the chest cavity’s organs. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(5), 6–13.


This review summarizes data of publications and metaanalyses devoted ton the use of transthoracic biopsy. It is showed that the method continues to be one of the main ways to diagnose pathological processes in the thoracic cavity’s organs, especially tumors of the lungs, pleura, mediastinum and chest wall. Modern methods of navigation trepan-needles can receive sufficient volume of pathological tissue samples for subsequent full morphological study to individualize and optimize treatment algorithms.
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