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Ivanov, A., Sidorovich, G., Osipov, V., Trofimenko, Y., Astakhov, D., Kapitonova, N., Reshotko, V., & Polyushkin, D. (2018). POSSIBLE CANINE OLFACTORY DETECTION OF BREAST CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(5), 620–624. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2018-64-5-620-624


There is presented a possibility of canine otorhologic diagnosis of breast cancer based on presentation of odour material to service dogs: venous blood, urine and sweatfat secretions of female patients. The examination of odour material of ill women and control groups the sensitivity of the test was at the level of 0,94-0,98, specificity of 0,92 and 1,0 the predictive value of a positive result of 0,96-1,0 and negative 0,94-1,0, which significantly exceeded the diagnostic capabilities of mammography. On the basis of otorhologic study of sweatfat secretions there was showed high specificity of identifying patients with breast cancer among some other types of pathology including nodal mastopathy. A possibility of using olfactory capabilities of dogs when organizing mass screening tests is discussed.
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