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Khlebnikova, A., Molochkov, A., Selezneva, Y., Sedova, T., & Belova, L. (2018). FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH BASALIOMA IN INHABITANTS OF THE MOSCOW REGION. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(5), 633–637. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2018-64-5-633-637


There were studied the factors associated with basalioma in inhabitants of the Moscow region. 169 patients with solitary and multiple basiolioma and 130 controls were examined. 48 factors were assessed. Among the high-importance factors there were I skin phototype, actinic keratosis, solar cheilitis, actinic elastosis, rhomboid wrinkles, weighed heredity in oncological skin diseases, radiation therapy in the anamnesis. Less important factors were as follows: sunburn in childhood, living in regions with radiation pollution, the presence of occupational hazards. Multiple basalioma more often developed in persons who had various occupational hazards.
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