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Sosnina, S., Martinenko, I., & Sokolnikov, M. (2018). MALIGNANT TUMORS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM IN THE CHILDREN OF THE NUCLEAR PRODUCTION WORKERS. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(6), 745–751.


The incidence of malignant neoplasms of the brain and the spinal medulla in children of Mayak Production Association workers who exposed preconceptive gamma irradiation was analyzed in the paper. The retrospective analysis was carried out within the cohort of children under the age of 15 born in 1948-2013 which includes 72316 people born and have been living in Ozersk, located near the nuclear plant. Overall 13 cases of malignant neoplasms of the central nervous system were registered among descendants of persons exposed in the workplace. The average value of the total dose of preconceptive gamma irradiation among mothers reached 251.95 mGy, among fathers - 211.42 mGy. The most frequent localization of malignant process was cerebellum, the most frequent morphological type of tumor was astrocytoma. Comparative analysis of morbidity was carried out by the method of indirect standardization, herewith regional and national age-sex incidence rates were applied. There was no significant excess of the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the central nervous system among children of nuclear workers. Standardized incidence ratio in comparison with the national statistics for children under 15 generally amounted in 1.04 in boys (95% confidence interval 0.5-1.87), in girls - 0.58 (0.18-1.35); in comparison with the regional statistics: in boys - 1.16 (0.56-2.09), in girls - 0.36 (0.11-0.85).
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