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Charyshkin, A., Toneev, Y., & Medvedev, A. (2019). THE RESULTS OF THE APPLICATION OF LYMPHOTROPIC THERAPY IN PATIENTS LUNG CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(1), 106–109.


Objectives. To evaluate the results of the application of the developed method of lymphotropic therapy in patients operated on for lung cancer.

Methods. Examined 280 patients aged from 39 to 75 years, operated on for lung cancer during the period from 2010 to 2016, Completed: pneumonectomy or forehead - and bilobectomy, lymph node dissection. The patients were divided into three groups. In the first group (n=206) used only standard therapy. In the second group (n=44) in conjunction with standard therapy was performed with an interspinal lymphotropic injections of drugs at the level of Th2 - Th3, Th3 - Th4, Th4 - Th5. In the third group (n=30) in conjunction with standard therapy was performed lymphotropic introduction of medicines by the developed technique (patent RF №2561832).

Results. Frequent complications in the first group and 20.4% in the second, 11.4% of patients were inflammatory. Bronchopleural fistula occurred in the first group, 17 % of patients in the second - 4.5%, in the third - from 3.3 percent. Indicators leukocyte index of intoxication on the 2nd day of 3.2±0.2 and on the 6th day 2,6±0,1 significantly smaller in patients in the third group (p<0,05) compared to first and second groups.

Conclusion. The proposed method lymphotropic administration of drugs in patients with lung cancer provides the optimal route of administration of drugs to the pathological focus and reduces exudative inflammatory postoperative complications.
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