The mortality rate is one of the most important criteria for assessing the health of the population. However, it is important to use analytical indicators correctly, especially when evaluating time series. The value of the “gross” mortality is closely linked with a specific weight of persons of elderly and senile ages. All international publications (WHO, IARC, territorial cancer registers) assess the dynamics of morbidity and mortality only by standardized indicators that eliminate the difference in the age composition of the compared population groups. In Russia, from 1960 to 2017, the share of people of retirement age has increased more than 2 times. The structure of mortality from malignant tumors has changed dramatically. The paper presents the dynamics of gross and standardized mortality rates from malignant tumors in Russia and in all administrative territories. Shows the real success of the Oncology service. The medium-term interval forecast until 2025 has been calculated.References
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