Experimental study of the effect of benzidinsulfon included in the group of diaminodifenils with potential carcinogenic features
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отсутствие канцерогенности

How to Cite

, , & . (2014). Experimental study of the effect of benzidinsulfon included in the group of diaminodifenils with potential carcinogenic features. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(5), 84–89. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2014-60-1-84-89


There was performed a study of carcinogenicity of benzidinsulfon (4.4’-diaminodiphenil sulfone) in rats and mice. Experimental animals (99 mice and 99 rats, approximately equally divided by sex) received the drug throughout the life by subcutaneous injections (once a week) or addition to food (5 times a week). A single dose per animal in rats was: subcutaneous administration - 50 mg (in females it was reduced due to the toxicity after beginning of the experiment to 25 mg) in 0.5 ml of oil, while feeding - 20 mg in 0 5 ml of oil; in mice - respectively 5 mg in 0.2 ml of oil, and 2 mg in 0, 2 ml of oil. The maximum amount of a substance when administered subcutaneously to male rats was 5.65 g, to female rats - 2, 68 g, when fed to rats - 12.44 g, when injected subcutaneously in mice - 380 mg, when fed - 737 mg. The survival of experimental animals was significantly reduced as compared to the intact control because of the toxic effect of the drug, preferably chronic nephrosis with nephritic component and secondary nephrosclerosis and as well as miocardiosclerosis and aortic sclerosis. Frequency and timing of detection of tumors in experimental animals was not significantly different from that observed in the control that indicated the absence of carcinogenic features of benzidinsulfon.
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