Isolated pelvic perfusion in treatment for malignant tumors
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isolated pelvic perfusion
recurrence of rectal cancer
recurrence of cervical cancer
balloon catheters

How to Cite

, , , , , , , , , , , , , & . (2016). Isolated pelvic perfusion in treatment for malignant tumors. Voprosy Onkologii, 62(3), 379–389.


Rationale and feasibility of isolated pelvic perfusion (IPP) as a high-tech treatment modality for patients with pelvic malignancies was studied and analyzed based on the systematic review of the literature. Indications, techniques and regimens of IPP are reviewed. There is a focus on anticancer agents for IPP and methods of complete vascular isolation of the perfusated region. Data on the short- and long-term outcome of patients after IPP are presented. To the best of authors’ knowledge this is the first Russian article regarding application of IPP in oncology practice.
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