Aim. To evaluate the antitumor effect of manganese, copper, and zinc gluconates in a model of myeloma Sp2/0-Ag14 in BALB/c strain mice.
Materials and methods. BALB/c mice with transplanted Sp2/0-Ag14 myeloma received orally for three weeks manganese, copper and zinc gluconates synthesized at the Ufa Institute of Chemistry, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences; the reference drug was cyclophosphamide. On day 22, organs and tumor masses were histologically examined, and the antitumor effect was assessed by calculating tumor regression rates: body weight gain inhibition (WGI), ascites growth inhibition (AGI) and after 3 months - an increase in life expectancy (ILE).
Results. Histological tests showed the absence of solid tumor in the groups of mice that underwent three weeks of treatment with metal gluconates. No significant changes were found in organ tissues compared to the control group of intact animals. In the group of untreated animals, the formation of a nodular tumor with a developed vascular network was registered. After cyclophosphamide therapy there was detected venous stasis, leading to the accumulation of lymphoid cells in the walls of the tumor cells. WGI, AGI, and ILE in the group with the reference drug cyclophosphamide were 28.8 %, 29.4 %, and 153.5 % respectively, that was close to the values of the group with copper gluconate therapy. Manganese and zinc gluconates showed higher efficiency, exceeding the effectiveness of the reference drug by 30-40 %.
Conclusion. Administration of manganese, copper and zinc gluconates for three weeks slows down the development of the tumor process in BALB/c mice with Sp2/0-Ag14 myeloma: no solid tumor was detected at sampling; tumor growth was noted only after the drugs were discontinued. To support the results of the experiment morphological control and statistical calculations using the Statistica 10.0 program were applied. Inhibition of tumor growth (30-40 %) was recorded by changes in body weight, ascites accumulation and the increase in life expectancy.
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