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Dolgova, Y., Potter, Y., Proskurina, A., Nikolin, V., Popova, N., Romanenko, M., Netesov, S., Taranov, O., Yefremov, Y., Zavyalov, Y., Ostanin, A., Chernykh, Y., & Bogachev, S. (2019). EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TUMOR-INITIATING STEM CELLS ERADICATION STRATEGY ON THE EXAMPLE OF HUMAN GLIOBLASTOMA CELL LINE U87. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(6), 904–919. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2019-65-6-904-919


The effectiveness of the new therapeutic approach aimed at the destruction of the cancer cell community was evaluated on the immortalized human glioblastoma cell line U87. Initially, the reference elements of a new strategy for eradication of tumor-initiating stem cells were characterized. The main points of the strategy were as follows. 1) Evaluation of the TAMRA+ (tumor-initiating stem cells) presence in the population of U87 culture cells. 2) Determination of the reference time points of the DNA interstrand cross-links repair, induced by cross-linking cytostatics mitomycin C. 3) Determination of the day after initiation of therapy when TAMRA+ cells accumulate and are synchronously present in the G1/S sensitive for the treatment phase of the cell cycle. Based on the data obtained, a therapeutic regimen aimed at eradicating TAMRA+ cells (tumor-initiating stem cells) was identified. Treatment of the culture was carried out by cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C and complex DNA preparation. Transplantation experiments showed that high experimental doses of mitomycin C (20 μg/ml) totally destroy transplantation potential of U87 cells. Diminution of mitomycin C to therapeutic doses (5 μg/ ml) clearly demonstrated effect of complex double-stranded DNA preparation to reducing of U87 tumorigenic potential. These fully confirmed the concept of developed cancer treatment technology.
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