The research analyzes a patient-oriented methodology for assessing the results of various options for lymph dissection in gastric cancer based on the study of molecular genetic markers in the non-recombining part of the Y chromosome and in mitochondrial DNA (haplogroups). Significant heterogeneity was established among patients in world randomized trials who underwent resection operations on the stomach with various options for lymph dissection. In the Y chromosome, the haplogroup with the designation O was predominant in patients of Asian studies (59 % - 95 % of cases) with the designation O. The second most frequent (14 % - 72 % of cases, patients in European studies) was the haplogroup R1b. The total number of patients with mitochondrial macrogaplogroup N (mainly haplogroups H and U) was almost twice as many as patients with macrogaplogroup M (D haplogroup). According to the results of our own exploratory study, in all patients operated on for gastric cancer, haplogroup R1a was verified in the Y chromosome. Clusters of macrogaplogroup N (U, H, T) predominated in mitochondrial DNA. Thus, one of the approaches ensuring the homogeneity of comparison groups in assessing various options for lymph dissection in gastric cancer is to assess their comparability based on haploid molecular genetic markers.References
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