The mucous membrane of the oral cavity (MMOC) and the underlying tissues have a complex anatomical structure that determines the specifics of the clinical course and treatment of tumors developing here. Malignant tumors that occur in the oral cavity, in most cases have the structure of squamous cell keratinizing cancer. In the conditions of a dental clinic, the diagnosis of precancerous and tumor changes presents serious difficulties, the main cause of which is the low oncological alertness of dentists, as well as the lack of necessary equipment and modern minimally invasive methods of early detection of cancer. Histological examination rarely is used in dentistry, as it implies a lifetime fence of the abnormal tissue (a biopsy) and has a number of disadvantages associated with the work sharp tool, the possibility of bleeding, mistakes in material sampling, waiting times result from a doctor-a pathologist. Taking into account the external localization of COR and CCG neoplasms, the procedure for collecting material for cytological research is simple and highly sensitive (the sensitivity of the method is 90-95%).
Objective: to assess the possibility of cytological diagnosis in the practice of the dentist and the impact of different methods of sampling on the results of morphological analysis.
Materials and methods of research. 114 samples were analyzed from 38 patients who sought dental care with complaints of tumors in the oral cavity. Material from each patient was collected in three ways, followed by cytological examination.
Results and discussions. The obtained results indicate that the lowest percentage of detection of malignant changes in the cells of patients was observed when self-flushing with MMOC, and the highest percentage of pathologically altered cells was detected when sampling material by smear. The obtained results of cytological examination were compared with histological data, where different percentage matches were obtained depending on the method of material sampling.
Conclusion: the use of cytological research method in dental practice with adequate sampling of the material allows to identify malignant cell changes in more than 80% of cases.
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