Primary disability of the adult population of the Krasnodar Territory due to malignant neoplasms
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Krasnodar Region
malignant neoplasms

How to Cite

Murashko, R., & Shmatkova, A. (2021). Primary disability of the adult population of the Krasnodar Territory due to malignant neoplasms. Voprosy Onkologii, 67(4), 485–491.


According to the indicators of primary disability due to malignant neoplasms, the Krasnodar Territory belongs to the regions with an unstable trend, characterized by a pronounced increase in indicators over the past five years. During the twelve years studied in the territory of the region, there was a tendency to increase primary disability due to malignant neoplasms. One of the reasons for the increase in the level of primary disability is the late detection of malignant neoplasms by medical organizations of the region that provide assistance to the population on an outpatient basis. This is due to the lack of effectiveness of preventive examinations of the population, dispensary monitoring of patients with chronic precancerous diseases, insufficient oncological alertness of doctors of the main clinical specialties, as well as the citizens themselves.
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