The development of quality of life psychosocial model in cancer patients after lower limb amputation
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bone and soft tissues tumors
lower limb amputation
quality of life
psychosocial factors
research program

How to Cite

Shchelkova, O. Y., Iakovleva, M., Usmanova, E., Sofronov, D., Rylnikov, P., Sarzhevskaya, Y., & Salkov, A. (2021). The development of quality of life psychosocial model in cancer patients after lower limb amputation. Voprosy Onkologii, 67(4), 559–568.


The general trend of humanization in medicine in recent decades, along with the biopsychosocial approach to health and illness, has put on the agenda the problem of patients’ quality of life, which resulted in numerous researches. The relevancy of this issue and the need of its investigation is substantiated in the present article on the ground of the analysis of modern literature and the work experience in the oncoorthopedic clinic; the results of the first stage of quality of life study and number of factors determining it in patients with bone and soft tissues tumors in lower extremities who underwent amputation are presented. Such a study should be comprehensive and should include an analysis of the objective functional capabilities and clinical indicators of patients, the subjective assessment of the main aspects of quality of life after amputation, as well as the psychological, social, demographic characteristics of patients. This implies the development of a theoretical model including the components of analysis in their integrated unity and interaction, as well as mathematical and empirical verification of the model. The development of quality of life psychosocial model can help to create scientifically based programs of individualized psychological assistance and social rehabilitation of cancer patients undergoing amputation of lower limb. The authors –doctors and clinical psychologists of the N.N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center and the St. Petersburg State University– put forward a research program in order to develop such a model, as well as present the first results of its implementation.
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