Immediate and long-term results of treatment after pelvic exenterations for locally advanced cervical cancer
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locally advanced cervical cancer
pelvic exenteration

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, , , , & . (2014). Immediate and long-term results of treatment after pelvic exenterations for locally advanced cervical cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(3), 319–322.


Results of treatment after pelvic exenterations were analyzed in 73 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer: 4 patients - Stage IIIB, 24 - Stage IVA, 45 - with local recurrences after combined (15) or radiation therapy (30) for the period from 2007 to 2012. The median age was 51 years (22 to 77). Variants of pelvic exenterations were as follows: 30 front, 6 rear supralevatory, 37 total (full monoblock removal of the pelvic organs above the pelvic diaphragm): 6 infralevatory and 31 supralevatory. Postoperative complications were recorded in 21 patients (28.8 %), postoperative lethality - 6.8 %. Longterm results of treatment were observed among 34 patients operated in 2007-2009. One-year survival was 50.0 %, two-year - 47.1 %, three-year - 41.2 %, four-year - 38.2 %, five-year - 38.2 %. Best results were observed in the group of primary patients (Stages IIIB, IVA) with only interorgan fistulas. Low survival rate was registered in the group of patients with recurrences after radiotherapy as intraoperatively, despite both data of CT and MRI and the results of express histological examination, it was impossible to assess accurately the lateral edge of the tumor growth.
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