Introduction. Despite the growing efficacy of system therapy, surgical metastasectomy is increasingly carried out in order to cure metastatic lesions of different organs. In this paper will be considered results of the surgical treatment of spinal solitary metastases using en bloc spondylectomy within a group of patients with different primary tumors. Obtained data will be compared to data from literature.
Methods. This is a retrospective multicentre case-series study. Inclusion of patients was held during the period of time from January 2005 to January 2021. Patients with solitary spinal metastasis, undergoing en bloc spondylectomy were included. Variety of functional parameters and features of the tumor in each case were evaluated. Treatment outcomes were evaluated during follow-up in person or by phone, for each patient. Common and recurrence-free survival rate was calculated.
Results. 7 patients that had been treated from 2016 and 2019 were included. In the majority of cases there was moderate decrease of functional status - physical activity was limited by retention of complete independence in self care (Karnofsky index - 61,4% (95% CI 50,2 – 72,6)). All patients underwent en bloc spondylectomy of the affected vertebra. No postoperative complications during hospital stay were observed. General 1-year survival rate had a value of 71,4%, 2- and 3-year survival rate was 53,6%, 1-year recurrence-free survival rate had a value of 83,4%, 2-year - 62,5% and 3-year recurrence-free survival rate was 31,2%.
Conclusion. Our series does not permit to state that metastasectomy of solitary spinal metastases leads to cure or long-term remission. Indications to the en bloc spondylectomy should be observed from the position of efficacy evaluation of other local control variants of tumor growth.
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