Successful experience of simultaneous video-assisted mediastinal lymphadenectomy and videothoracoscopic sleeve lobectomy for central cancer of the left lung
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non-small cell lung cancer
video-assisted mediastinal lymphadenectomy
bilateral lymph node dissection
lung cancer staging
sleeve lobectomy

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Atyukov , M., Petrov, . A., Skorokhod , A., Zemtsova , I., Novikova , O., Mishcheryakov , S., Martynikhina , M., Zhemchugova , O., & Yablonskii, . P. (2022). Successful experience of simultaneous video-assisted mediastinal lymphadenectomy and videothoracoscopic sleeve lobectomy for central cancer of the left lung. Voprosy Onkologii, 68(5), 674–684.


Aim. We present our experience of performing the simultaneous video-assisted mediastinal lymphadenectomy (VAMLA) and videothoracoscopic (VTS) sleeve (bronchoplastic) lobectomy for central cancer of the left lung.

Material and methods. Two patients with central cancer of the left lung have been examined and treated at Municipal Multi-field Hospital № 2. Under single exposure of anaesthesia the patients underwent simultaneous VAMLA and dual-port VTS sleeve (bronchoplastic) lobectomy with circumferential bronchial resection and formation of broncho-bronchial anastomosis.

Results. No intraoperative adverse events were recorded in both presented cases. Prolonged parenchymal air-leak was observed only in one of the patients during the postoperative course. No other adverse events were registered. Anastomoses of both patients were in a good state at the controll bronchoscopy, and both were discharged for ambulatory treatment in satisfactory condition. The pN0 stage was confirmed with both cases, based on morphological examination of 31 and 28 mediastinal lymph nodes, respectively.

Conclusion. Our data demonstrate the advantages of the simultaneous VAMLA and VTS sleeve (bronchoplastic) lobectomy as a single-step surgical procedure in treatment of patients with central non-small cell cancer of the left lung.
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##article.numberofviews## 213
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