Psychological factors in late referral of women with breast cancer for specialized medical care
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breast cancer
treatment discontinuation
treatment initiation
early treatment factors

How to Cite

Vazhenin, A., Tsiring, D., Пахомова, Я., Ponomareva, I., Mironchenko, M., & Kuznetsova, A. (2023). Psychological factors in late referral of women with breast cancer for specialized medical care. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(1), 102–107.


Introduction. Long intervals between detection of breast cancer and therapy initiation may affect the prognosis and survival of patients.

Aim. To identify the psychological factors behind the delay between noticing large breast lumps and seeking specialized medical care.

Materials and methods. The study included a total of 154 women from Chelyabinsk city and Chelyabinsk region aged 32 to 80 years (mean age 54.1) with breast cancer of different stages. All the breast cancer patients were under supervision of an oncologist for up to 6 months from the moment of diagnosis. The following research methods were used: test method and mathematical methods for data analysis. We used such measuring techniques as the World Assumptions Scale (WAS), the Purpose in Life Test (PIL), the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ), Hardiness Survey, and the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used as a statistical method.

Results. Breast cancer patients who delayed presentation for diagnosis and treatment had a more positive worldview. They used a wider range of coping strategies, they showed more pronounced components of learned helplessness such as motivation and cognitive element and they had stronger internal locus of control, in comparison to women who presented at the first sign of breast cancer.

Conclusion. The findings of the study highlight the psychological reasons for delay in seeking medical help among women with breast cancer after large breast lumps have been detected.
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