Introduction. In 2019, 8,327 new cases of esophageal cancer (EG) were diagnosed and a total of 5,546 deaths due to EG were registered in Russia. This registry study evaluated real world data on overall survival (OS) and treatment approaches for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic EG in 2019-2020.
Materials and methods. Patients from 7 cancer centers (8% of all cancer centers) located in different regions of Russia (Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Obninsk, Rostov-on-Don) took part in a retrospective study. The cancer centers are located in the southern, central, and eastern parts of the country. The researchers compiled the depersonalized data into a registry that included demographic data, methods, and treatment outcomes. The study included patients if metastatic EC was diagnosed between January 2019 and January 2020. To be eligible for the study, patients had to have histologically confirmed metastatic EC and be ≥18 years old at the time of diagnosis. The primary outcome of interest was median OS.
Results. The study included 175 patients for analysis. Mean number of patients in one region per year was 29. All patients had metastatic cancers. Median age at diagnosis of metastatic EG was 63 (34-93) years (with 24% of patients aged 70 years). Patients were predominantly male (76%) with squamous cell carcinoma (69.3%). 159 (84%) and 134 (71%) patients did not receive neo/adjuvant systemic therapy or radiation therapy, respectively. Systemic chemotherapy was used for metastatic EG treatment in 85 (48.6%) patients. The most commonly prescribed combination was paclitaxel with cisplatin or carboplatin (61/85, 72%). 24 (14%) patients received 2 treatment lines. Median OS was 4.9 (95% CI, 3.86-5.94) months. Median OS of patients who received systemic therapy (11 months; 95% CI 7.89-14.11) was significantly longer than that of patients who did not receive the therapy (2.4 months; 95% CI 1.63-3.18; p<0.0001). Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that overall survival was affected by a history of systemic and radiation therapy, as well as by response rates to chemotherapy.
Conclusion. The results of the Russian registry study indicate that there is a need for further implementation of modern recommendations and methods in real clinical practice with the aim of increasing the OS of EG patients.
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