The effect of 5-hydroxypyrimidine derivatives on the antitumor effect of gemcitabine, hematological parameters, and survival of mice with adenocarcinoma Ca755
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adenocarcinoma Ca755

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Zhurikov , R., Kovalenko, L., Alexeeva, S., Nikitin, S., & Durnev, A. (2023). The effect of 5-hydroxypyrimidine derivatives on the antitumor effect of gemcitabine, hematological parameters, and survival of mice with adenocarcinoma Ca755. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(2), 238–245.


Introduction. The combined use of cytostatic agents with drugs from other groups is a promising method for reducing hematotoxicity.

Aim. To evaluate the impact of 5-hydroxypyrimidine derivatives and gemcitabine, as well as their combinations, on tumor growth inhibition, survival, and hematological parameters in animals with Ca755 adenocarcinoma.

Materials and methods. After inoculation of adenocarcinoma Ca755 mice received SNK-411, SNK-578, gemcitabine or their combination from 2nd to 15th day of tumor development. Tumor volume was measured and tumor growth inhibition was calculated on the 9th, 16th and 21st days of tumor development. On the 22nd day, half of the animals were left for follow-up and evaluation of survival, while the other half was euthanized, and their blood samples were taken for analysis.

Results. Compared to the intact control, a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels was observed in all experimental active control groups that received SNK-411, SNK-578, and gemcitabine. The administration of 5-hydroxypyrimidine derivatives in combination with gemcitabine prevented the suppression of hematopoiesis. No statistically significant differences were found in platelet and leukocyte counts among the groups. Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) was studied on 7th day after the 14-day administration of SNK-411. In the group that received SNK-411 TGI was 45 %, in the group that received SNK-578 — 53%, in the group treated by gemcitabine — 61 %. 14-day combined administration of SNK-411 and gemcitabine resulted in 79 % TGI. Combination of SNK-578 and gemcitabine inhibited tumor growth by 80 %. Gemcitabine increased median survival time (MST) by 44 %, SNK-411 — by 18 %, SNK-578 — by 21 %. Combinations of SNK-411 and gemcitabine increased MST by 62 %, SNK-578 and gemcitabine — by 71 %.

Conclusion. The combination of gemcitabine and 5-hydroxypyrimidine derivatives demonstrated prominent antitumor effect without hematotoxicity.
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