Improving the efficiency of the Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation in Moscow Outpatient Oncology Care Centers
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outpatient cancer care center
multidisciplinary oncology consultation
telemedicine consultations
SWOT analysis
medical care time

How to Cite

Parts S. А., Reshetov, I. V., Kuzmina, E. S., & Galkin, V. N. (2024). Improving the efficiency of the Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation in Moscow Outpatient Oncology Care Centers. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(2), 377–383.


The outpatient oncological care centres are an important link in the system of routing patients with tumour pathology in the Russian Federation. In the conditions of significant burden on the outpatient link of oncological service, the real task is to provide high-flow work of consultations without loss of quality of decisions. We studied the list of problems solved by the multidisciplinary oncology team and carried out a SWOT analysis of their work under conditions of high workload. In the course While conducting the analysis, we identified areas of organisational inefficiency, ranked them and proposed actions to mitigate the risks identified.
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