Clinical trial: multicentral preventive antibiotics with cystectomy within enhanced recovery after surgery (MACS)
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bladder cancer
antibiotic prophylaxis
urinary diversion
ERAS protocol

How to Cite

Berkut, M., Mamizhev, E., Galunova, T., Novik , A., Rumyantseva , D., & Nosov, A. (2023). Clinical trial: multicentral preventive antibiotics with cystectomy within enhanced recovery after surgery (MACS). Voprosy Onkologii, 69(3), 415–421.


Introduction. Bladder cancer (BC) ranks 10th in the structure of oncological morbidity, 573.000 incidence and 213.000 mortality cases are registered annually [1]. In 25-30% cases of BC are detected initially with muscular layer invasion, where the gold standard of treatment is radical cystectomy (RC). RC is associated with a high level of perioperative and long-term complications [2].

Aim. To study the incidence of infectious complications after RC with early postoperative patient recovery (ERAS) protocol during 30-90 days after surgery.
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