Vulvar cancer (VC) is a rare malignancy that ranks fourth in gynaecological cancer incidence. Due to its rarity, it is impossible to conduct large randomized trials and most publications are based on retrospective analysis of a small number of observations. As a result, for many years the standard of surgical treatment was vulvectomy and bilateral inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy (IFL), even in the early stages of the disease. However, the high number of complications forced the search for criteria for early VC where IFL could be abandoned without compromising survival. This review article traces the evolution of views on the surgical treatment of VC patients and on the lymphatic collector over more than 150 years of study of the problem. This is the period from the empirical removal of individual enlarged lymph nodes (LNs) to the development of a technique for dissecting and examining sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs). The results of recent large international prospective multicenter studies on the feasibility of abandoning IFL after SLN examination are presented. The possibilities of combined treatment for micrometastases in SLNs are identified and plans for further research in the case of macrometastases in SLNs are presented.
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