Options of hypofractionation of proton boost in locally advanced prostate cancer
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How to Cite

, , , & . (2012). Options of hypofractionation of proton boost in locally advanced prostate cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 58(6), 787–794. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2012-58-6-787-794


The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of various fractionation proton boost in the proton-photon radiation therapy of locally advanced prostate. The study included 272 patients with prostate cancer and high-intermediate risk of progression. 114 patients received 3-D conformal local irradiation of the prostate by proton beam 220Mev. The focal dose of 28-28,8 SoGy-eq was fed to the prostate for 8, 5 or 3 fractions for 3, 4 or 5.5 Gy-eq respectively. Given the photon component (44 Gy in 22 fractions to the whole volume of the pelvis), the dose to the prostate was 72.8., 72 and 72SoGr-eq. respectively. In 158 patients in the control group the similar doses to the pelvis were supplemented by local 4-dipole photon irradiation of the prostate to 68-72 Gy in 12-14 fractions of 2 Gy. Acute gastro-intestinal (GI) toxicity maximum, 2 St expression, were found significantly less frequently after the proton-photon therapy: in 54.4% of cases, versus 69.2% in the controls (p <0,01). Differences between acute genito-urinary (GU) toxicity were not observed. The frequency of late GI damage of 2 St. was 3 times less frequently observed in the study group: 10.2% versus 34,8 ±% in controls. Damages of 3-4 St. were found in 1 patient of the main group and in 2 patients in the control group. GU damages of 2 St. were equally common after the proton-photon or just photon irradiation in 8.3% and 9.1% of patients respectively. Damages of 3-4 St. were diagnosed in 2.8% and 3.8% respectively (p> 0.05). A 5-year survival without biochemical recurrence was in the study and control groups 60,0 ± 5,4% and 61,9 ± 4,4%, and a 9-year survival—45,5 ± 8,5% and 42,8 ± 7 1% respectively (p> 0.05). Thus, precise local irradiation by a proton beam with ROD 3-5.5 Gy-eq. and SOD 28-28,8 Gy-eq supplementing photon irradiation of total small pelvis significantly reduces the severity of early and late postradiation rectitis but does not reduce the risk of damage to the lower urinary tract and does not influence on the anti-tumor treatment efficacy compared to conventional conformal photon radiotherapy. In this case, the proton boost modes: 8 fractions for 3 Gy, 5 fractions for 4 Gy and 3 fractions for 5.5 Gy does not significantly differ in the level of toxicity.
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