Effect of Plastoquinone Derivative SkQ1 on Benzo(a)pyrene-lnduced Soft Tissue Carcinogenesis
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How to Cite

, , , , , , & . (2013). Effect of Plastoquinone Derivative SkQ1 on Benzo(a)pyrene-lnduced Soft Tissue Carcinogenesis. Voprosy Onkologii, 59(1), 89–93. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2013-59-1-89-93


Ninety female SHR mice were subcutaneously injected with a single dose of 2 mg benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) dissolved in 0.2 ml of vegetable oil. Since the next day after BaP injection mice were started to treat with mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 at the doses of 5 and 50 nmol/kg/day in drinking water. Control animals received tap water. Study was finished by 358 th day. Number of tumor-bearing mice increased in all groups exposed to BaP but retarded since 20 th week in SkQ1-treated groups in comparison with control. Maximal tumor volume gain was observed in control mice resulting in precocious death. By the 30 th week of study only 20% of control animals survived, whereas SkQ1 treatment increased percent of survival up to 30% at the dose of 5 nmol and 40% at the dose of 50 nmol. By the 40 th week mean tumor volume in 5 and 50 nmol SkQ1-treated mice was 13 and 21 cm 3 respectively, whereas in control—40 cm 3. In SkQ1-treated mice pneumonia was observed rarely as compared with controls. It could be supposed, SkQ1 at the doses of 5 and 50 nmol/kg/day retarted BaP-induced soft tissue carcinogenesis in SHR mice.
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