Prediction, Prevention and Treatment of Pancreatic Fistula after Pancreatoduodenalectomy
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pancreatic fistula
pancreatic cancer

How to Cite

Egorov, V. I., & Ahmetzyanov, F. S. (2024). Prediction, Prevention and Treatment of Pancreatic Fistula after Pancreatoduodenalectomy. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(5), 835–842.


Pancreatic fistula represents the most common and dangerous complication following surgery for pancreatic cancer. The development of a fistula significantly worsens both the immediate and long-term outcomes of treating this condition and reduces the quality of life of a patient. This paper highlights the main publications that study pancreatic fistulas after pancreatoduodenectomy. It emphasizes the concept and modern classification of pancreatic fistula, explores the possibilities of predicting this complication, and reviews methods for its prevention and treatment. We have investigated the role of instrumental treatment methods in predicting fistula formation after surgery and their correlation with clinical data. The discussion includes various conservative and surgical methods for preventing fistulas and examines the role of creating an external vesungostomy. The paper also describes the main methods for treating pancreatic fistulas. The causes and mechanisms of pancreatic fistula are diverse, and its consequences can have a significant negative impact on the length and quality of life of patients. Therefore, particular attention should focus on predicting pancreatic fistula and using methods to prevent it.
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