Introduction. Correct assessment of stage and prognosis is the basis for successful treatment of any tumor.
Aim. To evaluate the role of immunological parameters of local immunity in colon cancer (CRC) and to develop a complex model for determining the probability of lymphogenic metastasis of the tumor based on the prevalence of the process.
Materials and Methods. The study included 50 patients with CRC, of whom 27 (54 %) had lymph node involvement (N+) and 23 (46 %) had no involvement (N0). Cell suspensions were obtained from tumor tissue, the peritumor zone (1-3 cm from the tumor) and the resection line (~10 cm from the tumor) to identify the major lymphocyte subpopulations and to determine the expression of TLRs (2, 3, 4) on CD45+ lymphocytes and CD45-EpCAM+ epithelial cells. STATISTICA 13.3 was used for statistical analysis of the study results.
Results. N0 patients showed increased numbers of T-lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, in tumor tissue. In the peritumoral zone of N0, a lower content of CD19+ was observed, while in N+, double positive lymphocytes (DP) and NK showed a decrease (p < 0.05). Tumor tissues from the N0 group showed a decrease in the number of tumor cells expressing TLR3, in contrast to the N+ group. In the peritumoral zone of both the groups, there was a multidirectional change in the number of cells expressing TLR2: a decrease in N0 and an increase in N+ (p < 0.05). When analyzing the relative number of lymphocytes in tissue fragments of primary tumors of patients with N0, we observed a decrease in the relative number of cells expressing TLR2 and an increase in the number of cells expressing TLR3 and TLR4. For patients with N+, we noted a 2.5-fold increase in the number of cells expressing TLR4 (p < 0.05). We developed a comprehensive model using the logistic regression method to determine the probability of lymphogenic metastasis of CRC. The mathematical model was used to calculate the N+ probability based on individual patient values. The diagnostic sensitivity was 89.1 % and the specificity was 88.2 %.
Conclusion. The proposed model will make it possible to predict the prevalence of the process at the preoperative stage in CRC patients, and may also become one of the methods for clarifying the diagnosis in process staging.
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