Retrospective Clinical Analysis of Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Pancreatic Head Cancer who Underwent Gastropancreatoduodenal Resection
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pancreatic cancer
surgical treatment
ductal carcinoma
obstructive jaundice

How to Cite

Vasin, A. B., & Omelchenko, D. V. (2024). Retrospective Clinical Analysis of Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Pancreatic Head Cancer who Underwent Gastropancreatoduodenal Resection. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(5), 943–947.


Introduction. Currently, pancreatic cancer remains one of the important problems of surgery and oncology. The main treatment for operable pancreatic cancer remains gastropancreaticoduodenectomy with complete removal of the tumor and a negative resection margin. However, this method requires advanced technical skills from surgeons and carries a risk of life-threatening complications. Therefore, oncological surgeons involved in the treatment of pancreatic cancer are faced with the task of improving surgical techniques and collecting and analyzing the results of treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer.

Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of data from 99 operable patients diagnosed with pancreatic head cancer who underwent gastropancreatoduodenal resection with lymph node dissection at the Abdominal Oncology Department of the Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Oncology Hospital between 2017 and 2020 was conducted.

Results. Preoperatively, 72 (72.73 %) patients had symptoms of mechanical jaundice. To stop it, 66 (66.67 %) patients had their bile ducts drained. Migration of the endoscopic stent was noted in 3 patients and migration of the percutaneous drainage in 2 patients. The mean time from drainage to surgery was 28.8 ± 7.3 days. All patients underwent combined gastropancreatoduodenal resection with lymph node dissection. Post-operative complications occurred in 24 (24.24 %) of the operated patients, of which 6 (6.66 %) were fatal; 75 (75.76 %) patients underwent treatment without complications. The most common cause of death was failure of the pancreaticogastroanastomosis due to focal pancreatic necrosis of the stump with development of diffuse peritonitis and multiple organ failure; in one case there was mesenteric thrombosis of the proximal segment of the superior mesenteric artery with total necrosis of the small intestine.

Conclusion. The immediate results of surgical treatment are characterized by a significant frequency of postoperative complications (24.24 %), with a satisfactory mortality rate (6.66 %).
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