Prerequisites for the Creation of a Program to Preserve Fertility in Children with Cancer
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fertility preservation

How to Cite

Kulyova , S. A., Karitsky , A. P., Лавринович, О. Е., & Tatishcheva, Y. A. (2025). Prerequisites for the Creation of a Program to Preserve Fertility in Children with Cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(6), 1017–1026.


Advances in the treatment of malignant tumors in children have led to certain problems in adult life for cured patients. This is due to the long-term effects of cancer treatment. Gonadotoxicity and reduced fertility have become particularly relevant. Today, fertility preservation and pediatric oncology are two "worlds" that are gradually coming closer together. Peri- and post-pubertal fertility preservation options are well known and include cryopreservation of oocytes, embryos or sperm. Methods of preserving fertility in the pre-pubertal period are still considered experimental. Many active research efforts are aimed at developing technologies that will allow immature eggs and sperm to mature and be used to produce offspring in the future. In addition, fertility preservation procedures are still considered optional from a medical point of view, and the patient's parents often have to choose another, sometimes invasive, intervention or overcome certain ethical problems.
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