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Colorectal cancer (CC) is one of the most common malignant tumors. More than 50% of cases are diagnosed at stage III-IV of the disease when there are already clinical signs of complications from tumor. Surgical treatment of complicated forms of CC despite the availability of methods of minimally invasive methods for their resolution almost always ends with the formation of the intestinal stoma, which significantly worsens the quality of life leading to disability and social disadaptation. Approximately in 50% of such patients intestinal stoma for various reasons remains for life. Surgical rehabilitation of patients with intestinal stoma is one of the most difficult problems since reconstructive surgery on the large intestine refers to complex categories of surgical interventions and is accompanied by a high incidence of postoperative complications. A review of literature on the reconstructive-reconstructive stage in patients with functioning intestinal stomas will make it possible to familiarize the specialists with the most common problems such as the choice of the optimal operation term, the type of operative access, the development, diagnosis and treatment diversionary colitis, scar-adhesive process and ways of its prevention after the primary surgerY., prevention and treatment of purulent-septic complications, insufficiency of seams of intestinal anastomosis.
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