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Oleksenko, V., Aliev, K., Akinshevich, I., & Chirva, Y. (2018). ANALYTICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY OF GASTRIC CANCER IN THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA AND ITS CONFORMITY WITH ALL-RUSSIAN TRENDS. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(5), 592–601.


Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common malignant tumor, both world-wide and in the Russian Federation (RF), possessing one of the highest mortality rates.

The aim of current research was to analyze the main epidemiological data, the rates reflecting the diagnostics and results of treatment of GC patients in the Republic of Crimea (RC) and to compare with national trends. Using the extensive, intensive, standardized rates, estimated by world standard method, structural analysis of the epidemiology of GC in RC for the period from 2007 to 2016 was carried out. The obtained results made it possible to compare these data with the main GC rates in RF.

Results of the study. The incidence of GC in RC decreased during 10 years, for men - 16,42 (4th place), for women - 6,68 (9th place) per 100 000 of the population. By 2021 a further decline in morbidity in men is expected to be 30,27% and a possible increase in the female incidence rate - by 17,54%. The average age of GC patients in RC was 66,5 years. Index accuracy was 0,75, which testified to satisfactory conditions of specialized treatment for this tumor. Mortality from GC at the 1st year of life in RC was higher than in RF - 56,0%, which was due to low active diagnostics - 3,6% and accordingly a high proportion of GC patients of IV stage - 43,3%. Ratio index in RC for 10 years was higher than in RF and increased from 3,5 to 4,4; prevalence rate of GC in RC was lower - 84,1 per 100 000 of the population in comparison with RF, GC mortality index - 15,3 per 100 000 of the population that was lower than in RF. The proportion of patients who have been observed for 5 years or more in RC was 57,3% that was more than in RF.

Conclusions. The rates reflecting early diagnostics of GC in RC are worse than all-Russian ones, which makes it necessary to develop medical examination program for the population of RC for this malignancy. The growth of ratio index, the lower mortality rates and the greater proportion of people who have been observed for 5 years or more indicates the best results of treatment of patients with GC in RC compared with similar data in RF.
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