Effect of intraoperative intrapelvic chemotherapy with hyperthermia on the incidence of rectal cancer recurrences
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rectal cancer
intrapelvic cisplatin chemotherapy with hyperthermia
recurrence of rectal cancer

How to Cite

, , , & . (2014). Effect of intraoperative intrapelvic chemotherapy with hyperthermia on the incidence of rectal cancer recurrences. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(5), 64–70. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2014-60-1-64-70


Often due to a severe somatic condition of the patient, the presence of perifocal inflammation, anemia, age, it is not possible to perform neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. To improve cancer treatment outcomes in these patients intraoperative intrapelvic chemotherapy with hyperthermia is used at the Centre. In the present study there included 120 patients with rectal cancer at stage T3-4N0-2M0, while 60 patients underwent intraoperative intrapelvic chemotherapy with hyperthermia (cisplatin at a dose of 150 mg, the time of the procedure - 60 minutes, the temperature of the perfusate - 44-45 ° C). Conducting of intraoperative intrapelvic chemotherapy with hyperthermia allowed reducing the frequency of local recurrence in 2 times from 16.7% to 8.3% and increasing a 3-year overall survival by 10% - from 63% to 73%, which shows intraoperative intrapelvic chemotherapy with hyperthermia as an effective method in the prevention of local recurrences.
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