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Kanaev, S., Bisyarin, M., Krzhivitskiy, P., Berlev, I., Novikov, S., Melnik, Y., Mikaya, N., Kargopolova, M., & Mkrtchyan, G. (2019). PREOPERATIVE SPECT-CT VISUALIZATION OF SENTINEL LYMPH NODES IN PATIENTS WITH CERVICAL CANCER: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE DATA. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(4), 524–531.


Purpose: to determine preoperative SPECT-CT localization of sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) in women with cervical cancer.

Materials and methods: SPECT-CT visualization of SLN was performed in 44 women with clinical stage IB-IIB cervical cancer. SPECT-CT examinations started 120-240 min after peritumoural injections of 99mTc-radiocolloids (200-300MBq in 0.4-1ml). All visualized LNs with uptake of radiocolloids were regarded as SLN. In all women we determined topography of SLN and lymph-flow patterns.

Results: SLN were successfully visualized in 93.1% cases (41/44 women). The bilateral pattern of lymph flow was mentioned in 26 (63.4%), monolateral - in 15 (36.5%) cases. SLN localized in external iliac region in 25 (60.9%), internal iliac - in 14 (34.1%), obturator - in 22 (53.6%), presacral - in 1 (2.4%), common iliac region - in 21 (53,8%) cases. Uptake of radiocolloids in paraaortal lymph nodes was mentioned in 14 (34.1%) women

Conclusion: SPECT-CT visualization of SLN can give important information for surgery and radiotherapy planning.
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