To Advertisers

Advertising Terms for Print Version

Advertising policy

Advertisements placed in the print and online versions of the journal are related to its content. Placed advertisements should not in any way influence editorial decisions.

The editorial board adheres to the recommendations of the ICMJE and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 13 March 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising":

    • Does not carry advertisements for products proven to be seriously harmful to health;
    • Does not publish advertisements intended to be juxtaposed with editorial content on the same product;
    • The label "Sponsored" is placed on all advertising materials;
    • Editorial team has full and final authority for approving print and online advertisements.

      The editorial board adheres to the recommendations of the ICMJE and the Federal Law of the Russian Federati on of 13 March 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising".

In the journal "Voprosy Onkologii" you have the opportunity to place advertising materials in the form of A4 format modules, inserts in the journal, as well as sponsored articles. To place advertising in the journal "Voprosy Onkologii" you need to conclude an agreement with the publishing house of the journal ANSMO “Questions of Oncology”. The label "Sponsored" should be placed on all advertising materials in the journal "Voprosy Onkologii".

For information regarding advertising placement, please send a request to:

Irina M. Bykova, Secretary to the Editor-in-Chief


Phone: +7 (812) 439-95-66, +7 (911) 711-08-42

Advertising Terms for Online Version

General Information

The website serves as a dedicated scientific and educational platform tailored for healthcare professionals and oncology researchers. This platform encompasses all articles and resources featured in the peer-reviewed journal "Voprosy Onkologii".

The journal's website provides access to a comprehensive electronic archive, up-to-date manuscript formatting guidelines, and an electronic submission system for manuscripts intended for publication. Additionally, the website delivers the latest updates and communications from the editorial team to its readers and authors, alongside essential contact details and reference information.


The scientific journal "Voprosy Onkologii" is a specialized periodical publication (media) for oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and radiation therapists, as well as specialists in all related fields of internal medicine, including general practitioners, family doctors, pediatricians, gynecologists, specialists in reproductive medicine, and others. Not only does the journal's website target Russian-speaking users, but it also extends its reach to English-speaking audiences through mirrored versions available in both languages. The website offers all content and interface elements in both English and Russian.

The key target visitors for the website are:

  • Oncologists, as well as specialists in all related fields of internal medicine, including general practitioners, surgeons, cardiologists, family doctors, pediatricians, radiologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, specialists in reproductive medicine, and others;
  • Oncologists, as well as specialists in all related fields of internal medicine, including general practitioners, surgeons, cardiologists, family doctors, pediatricians, radiologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, specialists in reproductive medicine, and others;
  • Employees of state research organizations and representatives of high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of Russian business, including the pharmaceutical industry;
  • Specialists and managers at all levels of management, as well as representatives of state and regional authorities.

Access to the website for individuals not involved in medicine and scientific work is limited solely by the necessity to agree to the terms of providing professional information in the field of healthcare. Therefore, a significant number of visitors is represented by cancer patients and associated groups of individuals.

Advertising Placement Options

Advertisers are offered the opportunity to attract a target audience interested in receiving information in the field of oncology and related medical specialties through "thematic targeting." Advertising on the website will allow reaching precisely those individuals who require specific services and products, thus obtaining the highest return on advertising investment.

The website allows for advertising placement in two languages - Russian and English. The language of the advertising information displayed will correspond to the language of the site being viewed by the user.

Types of Advertising Products on the Website:

  • Banner advertising
  • Sponsored articles
  • Sponsored access to targeted articles
  • Advertising newsletter
  • Organizing contests and other promotions for users

Banner advertising

Requirements for Banner Placement:

Banner placement is only possible in available positions. The cost of advertising includes creating a banner based on the source materials provided by the advertiser. All banners should be adjusted to fit the website design. Graphic materials for creating banners are accepted in GIF, JPG, and SWF (Flash version 8.0 and higher), HTML5 formats. The source materials should always include a hyperlink to the advertised website (if the banner is an advertisement of a website).

Sponsored Articles / Modules

In addition to banner placement on the website, a sponsored module can be placed. The module is placed on a separate page with a unique HTTP address. Visitors to the website can access the page of this module:

  • using the contextual search system of the website;
  • through a banner placed in any part of the site (see above).

The page of the sponsored module may contain images, active animation, and links to the advertiser's website. The page of the sponsored module must be marked as "Sponsored".

Sponsored Access to Targeted Articles

Through the website, targeted access to published articles can be organized:

  • in journals posted on the website;
  • in other domestic or international journals.

Organization of targeted access to articles of the journals on the website

At the request of an advertiser, a banner placed on the website may lead to one of the published scientific articles or to a specially compiled selection of published articles. This service is provided free of charge at the request of an advertiser and is included in the cost of placing the banner or sponsored module. The link to the article or selection can be placed, respectively, in the sponsored module or banner.

Targeted Access to Articles from Another Journal on Independent Platforms

Advertisers have the opportunity to direct visitors of the website to pages of articles published in other journals, as well as to any other internet pages of third-party sites (e.g., pages of other scientific journals, including international ones). This redirection can be accomplished through:

  • A specially created and placed banner;
  • Sending newsletters to site subscribers (either to all subscribers or to a targeted sample);
  • A link on the page of the sponsored module within the website.

The following options are available:

  • Access to the article page without providing the user the ability to freely download the full text (in cases where the target scientific article is behind a paywall) – in this case, payment is only for the targeted access of website visitors (redirection);

Access to the article page providing the user with a quota for free downloading of the full text of the article – in this case, payment is for the targeted access and a separately agreed quantity of quotas for access to the target article. The cost of the quota is determined by the article copyright holder. The website administration of handles the agreement with the article copyright holder, as well as all related documentation workflow and technical development.

Advertising Newsletter and News

Newsletters containing advertising information messages can be sent to all subscribers of the website, or to readers of the journal "Voprosy Onkologii". An advertising message can also be inserted into the regular newsletter mailouts of the website, which are sent to all subscribed users. Advertising information can also be published in the “News” section (e.g., a press release, report, or event announcement) as a separate message or as part of another independent message.


The cost of placing advertising information is negotiable. For current information on the cost of placing advertising content services, please contact the website administration (see below), specifying the type of placement and the contact details of the staff member to whom information about prices and conditions of placement should be provided.

To place advertising content on the website, the advertiser must conclude an agreement with the rights holder of the website (ANSMO “Questions of Oncology”). A standard agreement is provided upon request (see contacts below).

Additional Information

The placement of advertisements is managed by the administration of the website By prior agreement, the website administration can undertake not only the placement but also the preparation (design, layout, banner creation, text writing) of advertising information. The administration of the website reserves the right to make changes and additions to published advertising materials after prior agreement with the advertiser.

All advertising materials, as well as any changes to their content or form, are coordinated with the administration of the website

When publishing advertising material (in any form), the marking "Sponsored" is mandatory.


For information regarding advertising placement, please send a request to:

Irina M. Bykova, Secretary to the Editor-in-Chief


Phone: +7 (812) 439-95-66, +7 (911) 711-08-42