Milestones in the Development of Oncoimmunology at the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology Historical Essay on the 110th Anniversary of Professor Tamara Aleksandrovna Korosteleva (1913-1991)
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chemical carcinogens
biological response modifiers
dendritic cells
antitumor vaccines
history of science

How to Cite

Baldueva , I. A., & Beliaev , A. M. (2023). Milestones in the Development of Oncoimmunology at the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology Historical Essay on the 110th Anniversary of Professor Tamara Aleksandrovna Korosteleva (1913-1991). Voprosy Onkologii, 69(5), 949–959.


The review is dedicated to the development of oncoimmunology at the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology, which was initiated by Tamara Alexandrovna Korosteleva, who established the Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Experimental Oncoimmunology at the N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology. During this period, chemical carcinogenesis was intensively studied, as there was a hypothesis that chemical carcinogens were responsible for the development of up to 70-90 % of human malignant neoplasms.

Tamara Korosteleva devoted her professional career to studying the functional activity of the immune system in the process of chemical carcinogenesis, developing immunological methods for diagnosis, and monitoring changes in target tissues of experimental animals. Results from a series of experiments on different models were obtained, and the findings were summarized. It was established that immunological methods could potentially reveal the peculiarities of tumor transformation. Additionally, it was suggested that the interaction between the studied carcinogens and the proteins and nucleic acids of human body cells might be a key event.

Years of systematic study on tumor development influenced by chemical carcinogens have led to the emergence of a novel field in immunology — immunoprophylaxis targeting the occupational oncological risk faced by workers in the rubber and textile industries through the application of essential oils. This research has provided evidence that essential oils can function as inhibitors of DNA adduct formation and as immunomodulators when exposed to heightened levels of chemical carcinogens.

At the same time, by the early 1980s, new molecular-genetic discoveries in biology shed light on the imperative need for a deeper exploration of the immune system's role in the pathogenesis of tumor growth. Consequently, in 1985, the Laboratory of Immunology of Carcinogenesis was expanded and renamed as the Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Oncoimmunology. DMSc Valery Borisovich Okulov assumed leadership of the laboratory. The team led by T.A. Korosteleva and a group of clinical immunologists, previously organized within the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory headed by DMSc V.B. Letsky, became part of it.

Many years have been dedicated to studying the role of macrophages in oncological processes in laboratory animals, as it became known that macrophages could not only destroy tumor cells but also promote their growth. The role of various biological response modifiers, chemotherapeutic agents, and ionizing radiation in the early and delayed responses of macrophages has been established. It has been demonstrated that the cytotoxic reactions of macrophages are accompanied by an undesirable increase in the expression of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), which should be taken into account when developing new immunotherapy methods aimed at macrophage activation.

In October 1996, under the initiative of the director of the Institute, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Kaido Paulovich Hanson, the Department of Department of Biotherapy and Bone Marrow Transplantation was established, headed by DMSc Vladimir Mikhailovich Moiseenko. The creation of this fundamentally new scientific and clinical division within the Institute drew the attention of Prof. V.B. Okulov, whose accumulated scientific and clinical experience contributed to the idea of developing antitumor vaccines. The conceptualization and practical implementation of V.B. Okulov's idea of antitumor vaccine development took place within the Department of Biotherapy and Bone Marrow Transplantation. In 1998, a unique cell technology laboratory for the Russian Federation was established within the department, and it was subsequently headed by I.A. Baldueva under the guidance of V.M. Moiseenko. Later, researchers from V.B. Okulov's laboratory joined the department.

The Scientific Department of Oncoimmunology was established in September 2014 under the initiative of the director of the N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Alexey Mikhailovich Belyaev. The creation of this new scientific division within the Institute was driven by the need to expand the capabilities for developing and implementing new scientific ideas and advancements that are reshaping the scientific and clinical landscape in oncology. DMSc Irina Alexandrovna Baldueva assumed the leadership of the department.

The Scientific Department of Oncoimmunology is the first of its kind in Russia, with a GLP-compliant laboratory focused on the development of individualized antitumor vaccines based on autologous dendritic cells. To date, it possesses the most extensive experience in Russia, having treated over 900 patients, primarily those with exhausted standard treatment options.
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