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How to Cite

Gribkova, I., Krysanova, V., & Zavyalov, A. (2020). ECONOMIC BURDEN OF SKIN MELANOMA (LITERATURE REVIEW). Voprosy Onkologii, 66(3), 233–238.


Therapy of patients with cutaneous melanoma is a serious problem, since this disease is characterized by chemo and radioresistance. In addition, new effective drugs of targeted and immunotherapy are expensive. To be able to introduce new technologies, an assessment of the economic burden caused by the disease is necessary. The aim of the study was to systematize and summarize the data of modern literature on the costs of treatment for cutaneous melanoma. The review includes data from foreign and domestic articles found in the PubMed and databases containing information on the economic burden of melanoma. The paper presents data on the cost of melanoma in different countries. The dependence of treatment costs on the methods of therapy used, the stage of the disease, the presence of adjuvant therapy, the number of metastatic sites, etc. is discussed. It has been shown that the costs of treating cutaneous melanoma are significant in all countries. The most expensive is the management of patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma. Modern drugs of targeted and immunotherapy lead to significantly higher costs than chemotherapy drugs. Among the total costs, important components are the costs for adjuvant therapy and the managing of adverse events.
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