Analysis of the Epidemiology of Malignant Neoplasms among Children in the Russian Federation
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childhood cancer incidence
cancer diagnosis
early cancer detection
cancer care
availability of cancer services

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Aksenova, I. A., Popova, N. V., Starinsky, V. V., Olga V., Sulton U., Shakhzadova, A. O., & Kucheryavy, A. A. (2025). Analysis of the Epidemiology of Malignant Neoplasms among Children in the Russian Federation. Voprosy Onkologii, 71(1), OF–2169.


Introduction. The development of malignant neoplasms (MN) in the pediatric population is a serious problem for healthcare systems around the world. Accessible and timely diagnosis that allows for high quality assessment of identified conditions is an important starting point for treatment and monitoring processes, ultimately influencing the preservation of quality of life and increasing life expectancy for children with cancer.

Aim. Study of the main changes in the incidence rates of childhood cancer, study of age differences in the structure of newly diagnosed cases of cancer for the period 2013-2023.

Materials and methods. Data from the Federal Statistical Observation Form No. 7 «Information on malignant neoplasms» and information from the Federal State Statistics Service on the child population of the Russian Federation for 2013-2023 were analyzed.

Results. Between 2013 and 2023, the number of children aged 10-14 in the Russian Federation increased by 34.6 %, and those aged 15-17 by 21.2 %. The number of children aged 0-4 has decreased, with the incidence of MN among them showing the highest indicators compared to other age groups. The number of children aged 0-4 decreased, with the incidence of MN among them showing the highest indicators compared to other age groups. However, when analyzing the average rate of change (ARC) indicator of the incidence of MN separately in each age group, there was an increase in the 10-14 age group (0.16 % — overall, boys — 0.07 %, girls — 0.27 %) and in the 15-17 age group (0.29 % — overall, boys — 0.78 %, girls — 1.82 %); in the 0-4 age group there was an increase of 0.08 % overall, an increase of 0.21 % for boys but a decrease of 0.07 % for girls. In the age group 5-9 years, the ARC incidence rate for MN decreased by 1.19 %, 1.41 % for boys and 0.90 % for girls. In terms of localizations, there was a marked increase in the ARC of the incidence of hematopoietic MN (C91-95) at the age of 15-17 years (by 11.0 %), and an increase in this indicator was noted for thyroid MN (C73) in the groups 0-4 years (by 45.9 %), 10-14 years (by 13.7 %), 15-17 years (by 27.6 %). At the same time, the ARC showed a decrease in the incidence of MN of the meninges, brain and other parts of the central nervous system (C70-72) and MN of bone and joint cartilage (C40-41).

Conclusion. Changes in the demographic structure of the child population (0-17 years) influence cancer incidence rates and their dynamics. The analysis enabled the identification of the main trends for the period 2013-2023 and should be the basis for organizational decisions to improve the medical care of children with cancer.
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