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Bisyarin, M., Krzhivitskiy, P., Kanaev, S., Novikov, S., Berlev, I., Mikaya, N., Artemeva, A., & Kargopolova, M. (2020). SPECT-CT IMAGING AND SENTINEL LYMPH NODES BIOPSY IN PATIENTS WITH CERVICAL CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(2), 167–172. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2020-66-2-167-172


Purpose: to determine accuracy of sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with IAB-IIAB cervical cancer. Materials and methods: diagnostic performance of sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy was evaluated in 46 women with cervical cancer. SLN mapping was performed after peritumoural injection of 99mTc-labelled radiocolloids. All regional lymph nodes with uptake of radiocolloids were regarded as sentinel. SSLN biopsy was completed by standard lymph node dissection in all cases Results: SLN were visualized and detected in 42 of 46 (91.3%) cases. The monolateral pattern of lymph flow was determined in 19 women, bilateral localization of SLN revealed in remained 23 cases. Monolateral lymph flow characterized by high probability of metatstic involvement of regional lymph nodes (21.1%) and low sensitivity of SLN biopsy (0%). On the contrary, in women with bilateral lymph flow metastases in regional lymph nodes were mentioned in 2 of 23 cases (8.7%) and sensitivity of SLN biopsy was 100%. Conclusion: In patients with SLN localization on both sides of the pelvis SLN biopsy correctly predicted status of regional lymph nodes. In cases with monolateral localization of SLN biopsy characterized by high false negative rates.
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