The incidence of cervical cancer in Russia is one of the highest in Europe. At the same time, in European countries, the incidence of other HPV-associated tumors is as low as in Russia. The incidence of cervical cancer is declining in most countries of the world. Unfortunately, in our country, a decrease in the incidence and mortality from cervical cancer before the early 1990s was replaced by an increase in these rates. This trend will continue and reach fairly high numbers in 2030. The increase and subsequent decrease in the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer, which has been observed in developed countries for several decades, is largely the result of population cytological screening with coverage of 70-80% of the female population of the corresponding age. In our country cytological testing organized in the polyclinics, which covered a significant proportion of working women and which, as you know, has been introduced into healthcare practice since 1976, has led only to a temporary decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer. Unfortunately, in the late 1980s, this program ceased to exist and, consequently, a decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer was replaced by its growth. So called dispanserisation, which is presently in place, which includes cytological screening of cervical cancer, has not yet led to the expected results. Despite the fact that the goal of our article is not to evaluate the effectiveness of various screening methods, we consider it necessary to note that screening with HPV testing, which according to randomized trials, is much more effective than cytological examination is widely used in most countries, in combination with HPV vaccination. Prevention of cervical cancer includes: a) mandatory vaccination against HPV in adolescence (11-13 years); b) screening based on HPV testing.
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