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Belova, Y., Belov, A., Sokurenko, V., Kuznetsov, A., Anokhina, A., Shkolnik, M., Gerasimova, O., & Semenova, Y. (2020). THE TREATENT OF PRIMARY MULTIPLE CANCER IN A PATIENT WITH A KIDNEY GRAFT. CLINICAL INCIDENCE. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(5), 549–555.


Treatment of tumors in kidney recipients is not an easy task, due to lifelong immunosuppression. The leading place among all graft tumors is skin cancer - 31%, and the 3rd place is occupied by tumors of the genitourinary system (0.35.8%). The main method of treating skin cancer is surgical, which is difficult to perform in some localities. An alternative method is radiation therapy. The tumor in the graft is rare. The method of treating a tumor of this localization is surgical, which can lead to nephrectomy of the graft. Radiofrequency-assisted graft resection is an original treatment method. Its use provides good immediate and long-term treatment results. Patient B., born in 1977, 20.10.2016 was diagnosed with a tumor in kidney graft T1aN0M0 (stage I). Allotransplantation of the kidney to the left iliac vessels from 15.01.2012. When choosing the method, there were difficulties: an obese patient, graft eventration in anamnesis, according to MSCT, intestinal loops are located around the kidney graft, and fibrous changes around the kidney graft. Laparoscopic radiofrequency - assisted renal graft resection was chosen as the method of treatment. Operation duration-120 minutes, blood loss-100 ml. The postoperative period was uneventful. Currently, there are no signs of relapse. In June 2019-the appearance of a skin formation in the area of the left auricle, histologically-squamous cell cancer, G III. From 12.07.2019-short-focus radiation therapy with ROD 3 G, SOD 54 G. The treatment was carried out satisfactorily. In October 2019-a similar formation on the skin of the left cheek. From 14.11.2019-short-focus radiation therapy, ROD 2.75 G, SOD 55 G. The treatment was carried out satisfactorily. Currently, there are no signs of a recurrence of the tumor. The use of modern techniques and equipment makes it possible to perform treatment of primary multiple tumors in patients after kidney transplants with satisfactory cosmetic, functional and oncological results.
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