Reasons of non-radical surgery for patients with primary skin melanoma
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skin melanoma
surgical treatment

How to Cite

, , , & . (2014). Reasons of non-radical surgery for patients with primary skin melanoma. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(6), 84–87.


It was found that up to now a significant number of patients with primary skin melanoma continued to have non-radical surgery. Based on the analysis of clinical and morphological data on 288 of these patients it was revealed that most non-radical treatment was performed for patients who had had primary skin melanoma of linear dimensions of 1 cm and a pink color. It was proved that patients with tumors of the skin should first be examined by the oncologist. A lack of knowledge of semiotics of primary skin melanoma was revealed among doctors. Widely used diagnostic biopsy of the primary tumor with subsequent cytology is recommended.
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