Transanal total mesorectal excision oncological results
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rectal cancer;
oncological results,
total mesorectal excision,
transanal total mesorectal excision,
long-term results

How to Cite

Kazieva, L., Chernyshov , S., Alimova , Y., & Rybakov , E. (2022). Transanal total mesorectal excision oncological results. Voprosy Onkologii, 68(2), 200–208.


Relevance. Transanal total mesorectal is a new surgical technique of rectal cancer treatment.

Purpose of research. To evaluate transanal total mesorectal excision oncological results.

Materials and methods. 66 patients with rectal cancer I–IV stage were included.

Results. Median follow-up was 42.9±22.8 (1–83.7) months. Progression of the disease was in 13 (19.7%) cases. Local recurrence rate was 5 (7.6%) with mean time to recurrence 14.2±11.3 (5–32.3) months. Distant metastasis was diagnosed in 10 (15.2%) cases, mean time when they were diagnosed was 15.04±12.09 (3.5–37.5) months. Combination of local recurrences and distant metastasis was in 2 (3%) cases. Seven (10.6%) patients died. Mean life expectancy was 27.3±17.2 (8.0–50.2) months. Five (7.5%) patients died because of progression of oncological disease. Mean life expectancy was 34.11±15.5 (15.5–50.2) months. Six-year local recurrence free, disease free and overall survival was 77, 87 и 84%, respectively. No risk factors of local recurrence were found.

Conclusion. Transanal total mesorectal excision oncological results are сomparable with conventional surgery, though further trials are necessary.
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##article.numberofviews## 178
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