Epidemiology and survival of lung cancer patients, the impact of COVID-19. (clinical and population-based study)
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Yurkova, Y., Merabishvili, V., & Levchenko, E. (2022). Epidemiology and survival of lung cancer patients, the impact of COVID-19. (clinical and population-based study). Voprosy Onkologii, 68(5), 576–588. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2022-68-5-576-588


Aim. The study is aimed at investigating the incidence of lung cancer (LC) at the population level with the analysis of key analytical indicators in the context of coronavirus.

Materials and methods. We have used data from the IARC, statistical reference books of P.A. Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute, data from N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology, and the database of the Population Cancer Registry of St. Petersburg (DB PСR St. Petersburg) for the current study.

Results. The study has established a steady decline in the incidence of LC among the male population in the worldwide, in Russia and in St. Petersburg. Among the female population, a significant increase in the incidence has been revealed. On the basis of the database PСR St. Petersburg, the patterns of age-sex indicators of the incidence of LC have been analyzed. It has been established that the largest number of cases is registered in the age group of patients over 70 years old, here the largest losses due to coronavirus have also been identified. An increase in the proportion of early stages of the disease has been noted. The accounting reliability index decreased from 2000 to 2019, with the exception of 2017. Comparison of yearly lethality in the DB PСR St. Petersburg showed a significant difference in the data. The detailed localization structure of LC has been studied, where it has been found out that the first place is occupied by cancer of the upper lobe, bronchi or lung, although over 19 years of observation, a decrease in the proportion of this localization in the total volume of C34 has been noted. The proportion of patients with LC without histological verification has decreased. The influence of the smoking factor on the increased risk of LC has been studied.

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