The state of cancer care in Russia: one-year survival rate of patients with malignant neoplasms and first-year mortality rate for cancer of any site. (Population study at the federal district level)
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Survival of patients
malignant tumors
one-year survival rate
first-year mortality
localization of malignant tumors
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation (NWFD)

How to Cite

Merabishvili , V. M., & Belyaev , A. M. (2023). The state of cancer care in Russia: one-year survival rate of patients with malignant neoplasms and first-year mortality rate for cancer of any site. (Population study at the federal district level). Voprosy Onkologii, 69(1), 55–66.


Introduction. The most objective criterion to evaluate the performance of medical service for cancer patients is the survival rate calculated according to international standards based on a carefully verified Population Cancer Registry.

In 2022, the population of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation amounted to 13.9 million people, equal to the populations of Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania combined.

For the first time in Russia, the one-year survival and mortality rates for all the three-digit ICD-10 headings in the first year of follow-up have been calculated using the data from the population-based cancer registry database (DB PCR) of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation (NWFD).

Aim. To present an analysis of the regional cancer services based on the calculation of the dynamics of the observed survival rates for patients with 71 tumour localizations using the extensive material from the PCR database of the NWFD.

Materials and methods. The study used the information from a verified PCR database of the NWFD of more than 1,150,000 cases, and calculated survival rates using EUROCARE methodology.

Results. The comparison of the levels of one-year survival rates of patients with malignant tumors for two follow-up periods (1995-1999 and 2015-2019) revealed an increase in one-year observed survival from 63,8 to 71,0, i.e. by 11,3%, respectively, the decrease in one-year mortality in the region was from 36,2 to 29,0%, i.e. by 19.8%. The greatest success was achieved (an increase in one-year survival of more than 25%) for the liver (C22), small intestine (C17), gallbladder (С23, 24), oropharynx and larynx (C10, 12, 13) cancer. More than 10% increase in one-year survival occurred in the tongue (C01, 02), esophagus (C15), prostate gland (C61), placenta (C58) and colon (C18) cancer. With an average indicator (C00-96) – 11,3%. Many other malignant tumor locations showed less promising outcomes.

Conclusion. The population-based study showed an improvement in cancer control interventions, a significant 11.3% increase in the one-year survival rate and a 19.8% decrease in the one-year mortality rate.
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